Sundsvall Logistics Park

Sundsvall Logistics Park is a major project for the north of Sweden

Sundsvall Logistics Park is a major investment in transport, growth and the environment. The aim is for the park to become one of Sweden's most important transport hubs by connecting road, rail and sea transport in one area. 
The initiative is being undertaken by the Municipality of Sundsvall together with the Swedish Transport Administration and SCA. Peab is the main contractor in the project and we at Norrbottens Bergteknik are responsible for the rock handling. In total, we will remove 800,000 cubic metres of rock, making this one of our largest assignments to date.
We were involved early in the planning process, which started a few years ago, and in 2020 we were trusted to continue with the operational work. In the spring, we had four to eight drill rigs and up to 12 employees on site.
The project will include the use of modern scanning technology to monitor production.
– We use drone technology, which is becoming quite common in construction but not in rock handling. We do this in order to have good production control because we are dealing with such large volumes and such a large area. Now we can follow up in a very precise way, which provides great benefits in both invoicing, planning and not least the environment and work environment," says Mikael Lund, Norrbottens Bergteknik. 

Image source: Sundsvall Logistics Park

About the mission:

Sundsvall Logistics Park
Responsible for:
Rock handling, rock excavation and scanning
Removal of a total of 800,000 cubic metres of rock. Scanning with drones.
Head of Department, Mikael Lund: +46 (0)70-346 26 40


+ 46 (0)929-109 10

Visiting address:

Löpevägen 16
SE-906 20, Umeå

Postal address:

Box 10
SE-942 21 Älvsbyn

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